[b]FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Token Glossary no longer opens during the Academic View when pressing dpad down [*] Fixed options menu close button not being navigable via gamepad [*] Fix to non combat story choices triggering biome modifiers a second time [*] Fixed an issue where Mastery Trainer cursor disappears when cycling heroes with gamepad [*] Fixed a possible error with Jester's Encore not being correctly swapped away from the Intermezzo version [*] Fixed an issue where cursor disappears from skill bar after cancelling some selections [*] On run reset remove actor count instances instead of resetting them to 0 to trim down the save size of count tracking [*] Minimap button prompts should not be showing or be scrollable if other windows are active [*] Correctly hide select prompt in more details under the Hero Sheet when not accessible [*] Correctly hide select prompt in the Altar of Hope under the Recollection section when not accessible [*] Fixed options menu anchoring for wider screens [/list]