1.04.59520 - Darkest Dungeon II - Infernal Pursuits - Coming_in_Hot Hotfix
Author: RedHookMichaela,
published 10 months ago,
[h2]Important Note on this Coming_in_Hot Release:[/h2]
We encourage players who want to help test these changes and provide feedback to switch to the "coming_in_hot" beta branch . Your save will carry over when you switch to that branch.
Head to the Feedback channel on our Discord to leave your thoughts: [url=https://discord.gg/darkestdungeon]https://discord.gg/darkestdungeon[/url]
[b]IMPORTANT:[/b] Once you switch your branch you MUST stay there until we push the update to the retail branch for everyone. We always recommend making a backup of your save file!
[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
[*] Riposte effects are now represented on the Path seals
[*] Grapeshot Blast+ now applies a -2 SPD debuff to targets
[*] Tracking Shot and Tracking Shot+ can now target all ranks
[*] Double Cross is now the version formerly unique to Yellowhand
[*] Path version of Point Blank Shot has been removed. Rogue now uses the standard version, which won't push targets out of his reach.
[*] Take Aim and Take Aim+ now grant 1 Speed token
[*] Double Tap and Double Tap+ no longer have a cooldown
[*] Point Blank Shot and Point Blank Shot+ no longer grant Block
[*] Point Blank Shot and Point Blank Shot+ knockback increased from 1 to 2, providing better disruption and placing the target in position for other ranged attacks
[*] Point Blank Shot and Point Blank Shot+ now apply Combo
[*] Yellowhand has been reworked to focus on Bleed elements
[*] Path version of Wicked Slice has been removed
[*] Path version of Double Cross has been removed; all Paths now use the version that Yellowhand previously had
[*] Riposte no longer applies Combo
[*] Riposte now applies 2 Bleed
[*] Open Vein has a new version unique to this Path
[*] Grapeshot Blast+ Bleed RES debuff no longer increases with Mastery
[*] Grapeshot Blast+ now also increases Bleed damage taken by targets by +1 for 3 turns
[*] Highway Robbery and Highway Robbery+ no longer interact with Bleed/Blight/Burn RES
[*] Highway Robbery now applies a -2 Bleed damage dealt debuff to the target for 3 turns
[*] Highway Robbery+ now grants the Highwayman a +2 Bleed damage dealt buff for 3 turns; this works regardless of whether the target has Bleed skills or not
[*] Illumination and Illumination+ can now be used from all ranks
[*] Fixed issue preventing The Decimal System's damage buff from applying correctly
[*] Fix to taunts overriding skill calculation when aoe skill is targeting only stealthed targets
[*] Potential fix on gamepad for being unable to move forward at the start of a new run