Just updated the demo It makes a couple important changes. [h3]New Items[/h3] A compass, a net, a shovel and a hook have been added to the game. Yes, the shovel and hook were in the last build, but a major change has happened. These items used to be listed as "Supplies" but now they are classified as "Weapons/Tools" in your inventory. You do not need to equip these things, they will work automatically when you need them. These items are now only available at the trader, so you will have to save up to buy them. [h3]Captives[/h3] You could capture enemies before, but they would just sit in the "Captives" menu and gather dust. Now you may, on occasion, get special offers from some of the denizens of the Great Abyss to take those captives off your hands in exchange for gold. [h3]Experience[/h3] Now you can gain experience points for things other than combat. Sneaking, picking locks, reading books, talking to others,