Demo Updated to Version 0.7.4
Author: MKSchmidt,
published 3 months ago,
Just updated the demo
It makes a couple important changes.
[h3]No More Autosave[/h3]
Autosaves have been disabled. Instead, the first save slot behaves like an ordinary save slot. Autosaves were causing all sorts of issues and I have not been able to figure out a way around it. So I will trust to players that they will be able to save their own games.
[h3]New Dungeon Tiles[/h3]
Dungeons have new end tiles (those around the outer edges of each dungeon). This may cause some weird issues if you are loading a saved game, where the outer tiles of dungeons don't match up properly. It's okay, this will only effect old games. New games will not have this issue.