[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31397842/04ec38985ab3e3159f737914702958ab76ae45d3.jpg[/img] For anyone who missed last sprint's update on the Weather Factory blog, we announced something we'd previously kept secret: the inclusion of an exquisite, fully-navigable map of the Mansus in-game, accessible via Dream. Focus your unconsciousness correctly and you'll be able to enter the Mansus in several places, pulling through a smidgen of unfiltered Glory back with you to the world of the awake. This isn't yet implemented in-game, but it will be present in the release version (and [i]probably[/i] in the Explorer's Build, but NO PROMISES). [url=http://weatherfactory.biz/february-1-collins/]Full update on last sprint here, for those who're interested![/url]