BETA: 2022.5.a.2 ASPHODEL
Author: AK,
published 2 years ago,
I've put a patch on beta that fixes the two really annoying leftover placement issues.
One was the INSISTENT DROPZONE, where if you dropped the dropzone on top of existing cards, it would want to be picked up before it let you pick them up.
One was the GUTTER ENFORCED, where 1:1 gridsnap meant 1:1 horizontally, but left a vertical gap between rows. I liked the effect. A lot of folk didn't and let me know it, so I've changed it BUT only in new games. (Otherwise it'll screw up everyone's existing layout.)
To repeat this is on [b]only on the beta channel for now[/b] - gateofhorn - and it'll stay there until at least next week. The latest Unity update keeps doing this to me in the editor:
and while it doesn't happen in the built version, it's giving me the spiderchills so I'm going to wait for a response to my ticket. Yes devs submit tickets too. Unity presumably submit tickets to OS vendors. I don't know who OS vendors submit tickets to. Maybe they submit petitions to a higher power instead. In Vak probably
Anyway tickets to *me* go to Please let me know about any spiders in the beta.
Alternatively, if you're technically enthusiastic, you can submit it as a [url=]Github issue[/url]. (In this case you might also be interested to know I [url=]make the source code available[/url] for the convenience of modders and the curious.)
The full bug list:
[*] More tweakss to card placement: moved card closer to desk, tidied dropzone grid placement
[*] Narrowed gridsnap so you can put cards immediately below each other at gridsnap 1. THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN NEW GAMES, so people's card arrangements aren't messed up\n
[*] Dropzone now reliably stays out of the way behind cards\n
[*] Stack badge and verb timer also now render behind\n
[*] Close button on deck details window now works.\n
[*] Some poor soul kept trying to use Rite Intercalate to baptise a Chosen Compass. People shouldn't do that, but let's not let them try.
[*] One more round of jp_loc fixes
[*] Non-Latin messages no longer display as tofu when returning from the Mansus
(the quote is William Carlos Williams in "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower". Patches are flowers from here on in. This is relevant if you're interested in BOOK OF HOURS, or if you're an [url=]Enigmatic[/url].