[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31397842/69cc1e7218f46e344186a108a2d5809e48026348.png[/img] The EXPLORER'S BUILD has just been released, so you should see an update start the next time you open Steam. This build includes a LARGE AMOUNT of new content, enabling you to travel the globe in the eternal feeding of nameless desires, at the possible risk of, oh, you know, being murdered by some Fretful Dead or running into an unimpressed Long or I guess um falling into a hole. What's not to like? Full patch notes [url=http://weatherfactory.biz/the-explorers-build/]here[/url], on the blog. As usual, please send any bugs or feedback to support@weatherfactory.biz. Enjoy! <3