[quote][i]"I don't recall exactly what occurred, last night, in the beating black between the trunks of the trees, where winged things moved beneath my hands. But now this morning my brain fizzes with fragments: IN GI RUM IMUS NOC TE ET CON SUMI MUR IGNI RUM IMUS NOC TE ET CON SUMI MUR -"[/i][/quote] Game dev, unlike jobs in [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/718670/Cultist_Simulator/][i]Cultist Simulator[/i][/url], is not "an arrangement to exchange one's life for money". It's something AK and I spend an embarrassing amount of time doing, thinking about and discussing. We talk about grand things like the Importance of Art and apophenia and the unplumbed depths of a player's heart, and we talk about petty things like what colour the glow effect around an empty slot should be, and whether or not [url=https://weatherfactory.biz/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/guardian-1.png]'Guardian'[/url] is the most charming Aspect in the game. (It is.) [i]Cultist Simulator[/i] turns five today, which basically makes it the game version of a Long. But it isn't off to Port Noon quite yet: we're still patching and fixing and improving it. We've come a long way since launch - four DLCs, four new languages, [url=https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/cultist-simulator/id1439886655]mobile[/url] and [url=https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/cultist-simulator-initiate-edition-switch/]Switch[/url] ports, a whole code rewrite, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/718670/workshop/]170 Workshop mods[/url], a [url=https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1033850944/the-lady-afterwards-an-occult-1920s-trpg]TRPG[/url] and a certain card placement SNAFU that one really needn't remember - to the point where our [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heaH_KvB4eU]launch trailer[/url] looks janky compared to the actual game! I have to do the dev thing and mention, loudly, that we're running a [b]70% off Daily Deal[/b] to mark the occasion, that [i]Cultist Sim[/i]'s follow-up [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1028310/BOOK_OF_HOURS/][i]BOOK OF HOURS[/i][/url] brings new Secret Histories in August, and that we're delighted to be a husband and wife team hustling to make strange flowers grow in the garden of our lives. But aside from all of that, I wanted to thank you. Thank you to everyone who Kickstarted the game back in 2017. Thank you to everyone who bought a copy in launch week, helping us with Steam's frightening and vital algorithms. Thank you to everyone who bought a copy since, making sure we can still afford Ultra-Nom Jelly Snaxx for our cats, to everyone who joined our mailing list or follows us on social media, to the people who read our blogs and the people who send in nice messages and the people who buy merch and anyone, honestly, who's reading this. [i]Cultist Simulator[/i] is a weird, bright pocket universe: I'm so glad you answered the riddle, and are counted among the Know. Here's to the Mansus, the House, and its Seekers. Each flame has its fuel. This is ours. ♥ Love, Lottie & Alexis