Happy Friday! I come bearing two bits of info. [h1]Steam Workshop[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31397842/613403e8117d84db588f7c21bfc8374f7dfdf06b.png[/img] Alexis just published our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/718670/workshop/]new Steam Workshop[/url] - AKA the Invisible Serapeum - to beta. If you're on the gateofhorn beta branch, this means you can now use the Workshop to upload, browse and use mods for [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/718670/Cultist_Simulator][i]Cultist Simulator[/i][/url]. Lots more info on the particular set-up [url=https://weatherfactory.biz/daybreak-in-the-invisible-serapeum/]here[/url]. It's pretty bare at the moment, for obvious reasons! But we know there're a [i]lot[/i] of mods out there already - and I hope to have 'em corralled in Steam Workshop soon. [h1]Zingara fortune-telling cards[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31397842/cb65e62e35195f446a6c308c306240d47bdf36c4.png[/img] I also announced on the blog that I'm working on a new deck of occult cards, similar in magic but not motif to the [url=https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/774143958/tarot-of-the-hours]Tarot of the Hours[/url]. They'll be a standard 52-card deck of poker-sized playing cards, which you can use for all normal card games, but they'll [i]also[/i] double as a fortune-telling deck, a la early 20th-century carnival magicians and gypsy oracles. Also I'm planning to have them gold-foiled, so they'll be exceedingly shiny. I leave you with news that we're running a fun giveaway competition next week, in the run up to #lovecraftday - so keep your eyes peeled for the announcement, and a chance to win a bunch of delectable merch. More info on localisation soon, but for now, happy weekend.