[h3]New features:[/h3] [list][*]Added support for high refresh rate displays. To enable, go to Menu > Options > Graphic Options > Frame Rate > Set to Display. [*]Added "Play All Music" to Music Archive. When activated, all unlocked music tracks will be looped sequentially as a playlist. [*]It is now possible to copy and paste randomizer options to and from the clipboard. [*]SSAA Anti-Aliasing and Ultra Shadows have been restricted on Steam Deck. These settings cause terrain to load slowly but this isn't immediately noticeable which makes them seem unrelated to the problem. These settings can be re-enabled by opening the graphics.ini file and setting LimitGraphicOptions to False.[/list] [h3]New modding features:[/h3] [list][*]Added Preview panel to Troop model tab in Crystal Edit. [*]Added new Job properties: "Can Select Job" and "Can Select Sub Job". Default is enabled. Disabling prevents the job from being used as a Class and/or as a Sub-Command. [*]Added new Ability Mod: AttributeDamageRate. Applies a percentage of the ability's damage to another attribute. [*]Added new Ability Mods: AddToSpecificStatusCountTarget and AddToSpecificStatusCountUser. They function like the existing AddSpecificStatusCountTarget and AddSpecificStatusCountUser except that they do not apply a status if it hasn't already been applied. [*]Added new Ability Mod: RandomStatusUser. Renamed existing RandomStatus to RandomStatusTarget. [*]Added "Don't Change Loot" option to ChangeMonster Ability Mod. Enables changing a monster without affecting its drop & steal inventories. [*]StatusRequiredUser and StatusRestrictedUser Ability Mods are now evaluated for ability usage instead of just for hit chance. [*]Using a negative quantity for the ConsumeItem Ability Mod is now properly supported. [*]Added Condition filter to Entity Grid in Crystal Edit.[/list] [h3]Bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]Fixed bug where if a dual wielded ability consumed the last available Scroll, then the attack would only swing once. [*]Fixed bug where sometimes windows could overlap when attempting to begin a class change. [*]Fixed bug where the Auto Save notification could linger over menus or dialogue. [*]When progression items are randomized, if any books are moved into the library, then the Librarian will no longer consider those books missing after attempting to enter.[/list] [h3]Modding bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]Fixed bug where the Crystal Edit window could be larger than the desktop on startup. [*]The IsAbilityUnlocked NPC condition will now have its ability ID redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type. [*]The UnlockJob, UnlockPassive, and LearnPassive NPC Action Types will now have their IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type. [*]AddSpecificStatusCountTarget Ability Mod now properly applies a status if the target didn't already have it applied. [*]Removed unused attribute types from dropdown lists in Crystal Edit. [*]Fixed bug where monsters would display an ability's custom message for every unrelated reaction after the ability was used. [*]Fixed issue where an ability usage animation's texture might not be displayed correctly the first time it is shown on screen. [*]Fixed error when showing an animation that has cells but doesn't have a texture. [*]Fixed menu portrait display for custom member textures with non-standard sizes. [*]Fixed error that could occur when previewing an ability that adds a status that has an immunity to itself. [*]Fixed error that would eventually occur after banishing all party members while outside of battle.[/list]