[h3]New assist option:[/h3] [list][*]Healing Home Point: Enables free, automatic full recovery for the party when interacting with a Home Point.[/list] [h3]New features:[/h3] [list][*]Added a special confirmation dialog when attempting to overwrite save data which has more play time than the current loaded data. [*]When viewing stats, elemental modifications are now sorted by the magnitude of the effect instead of by the element. [*]Changed wording of "Couldn't steal!" to "Failed to steal!" [*]Invisigel now applies a visual semi-transparency.[/list] [h3]Bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]Wizard icon in the in-game achievements list now has the new hat. [*]Fixed a small section of the ocean that was not being accurately represented on the world map.[/list]