Introducing Auto Jump and Localization mods. [h3]New features:[/h3] [list][*]Auto Jump has been added to the More Options menu. When enabled, Auto Jump will cause the player to automatically jump at the last possible moment when walking off cliffs or ledges. [*]The keyboard can now be used to type in name and text entry fields.[/list] [h3]Sample localization mods:[/h3] [list][*]The following sample localization mods are now available on the Steam Workshop: [list][*][url=]français[/url] [*][url=]español[/url] [*][url=]Deutsch[/url] [*][url=]Italiano[/url] [*][url=]日本語[/url] [*][url=]한국인[/url] [*][url=]简体中文[/url][/list] [*]These sample localization mods are machine translations and should not be considered proper localizations. [*]Localization mods are loaded in-game from the Options > Language menu and are not tied to save data.[/list] [h3]Bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]When Items have been randomized, Milk is now shown in the Spoiler Log if it blocks a progression item. [*]When Items have been randomized, Thirsty Lad now provides their reward without requiring Milk if Milk has been randomized to a problematic location. [*]Fixed reported location of boss minions when boss encounters have been randomized but normal encounters have not. [*]When Enemy Abilities have been randomized, the archive entries for Puppet (On) and Hatchling will now be purchasable. [*]When Enemy Abilities have been randomized, No Physical and No Magic will now properly target the party. [*]When Enemy Abilities have been randomized, Insult will now be properly used. [*]When Enemy Abilities have been randomized, Monster Magic that the AI will never be able to use will now be learned by default. [*]Fixed jittery icons while scrolling the world map on an FPS setting higher than 60. [*]Animations now properly mirror even when cells have been rotated.[/list] [h3]New modding features:[/h3] [list][*]Upgraded Crystal Edit from .NET Framework 4.5.2 to .NET Framework 4.6.2. [*]Added "Vocab Model". The Vocab Model can be used to edit or translate all in-game text and specify custom TrueType fonts. [*]To select custom TrueType fonts, the project must have "Has Custom Content" enabled and fonts must be added to the "Fonts Path" directory. [*]Added "Is Localization" checkbox to Project Model to classify a mod as a localization mod. [*]Added new Item property: Auto Lost & Found. When checked, the item is automatically added to the Lost & Found when the party's stock has been fully depleted or sold. [*]Added new Ability Mod: TriggerNpc. Specify NPC ID and radius. [*]Added new Ability Mod: SpawnAndTriggerModdedNpc. Spawns an NPC if it is not already spawned, moves it to the player's position, and triggers it. Only works with modded NPCs. [*]Added new Reaction types: OnHealingTaken, OnPAbilityUsed, OnMAbilityUsed. [*]DamageRateVsStatus and HealingRateVsStatus Ability Mods are now compatible with multiple entries of the same Ability Mod. [*]Added Attribute to Ability Mods: DamageRateCurrent_100, DamageRateMissing_100, DamageRateMax_100, DamageRateUserCurrent_100, DamageRateUserMissing_100, DamageRateUserMax_100 [*]Added Priority to ReplaceAttackWith Stat Mod. [*]Added Job dropdown to NPC outfit tab. Only applies to dialogue when PC Lvl is also specified. [*]Added new NPC Action Type: Comment. For taking notes. [*]It is now possible to specify icons for abilities. Leave blank to keep default. [*]It is now possible to specify that the randomized ability/class/passive should be used for the following NPC Action Types: Ability, UnlockAbility, LearnAbility, UnlockJob, UnlockPassive, and LearnPassive. [*]It is now possible to activate multiple Crystals that share the same in-game coord. [*]Added Open button to custom content paths in Project Model. [*]Added Val field to choice entries in the ChoiceMessage NPC Action. The number entered for a choice will be set to the variable in Answer Var when the choice is selected. If empty, the default value will be used. [*]Choice entries in the ChoiceMessage NPC Action can now be deleted and ordered more easily. [*]Added Biome Grid, Recipe Grid, and Spark Grid. [*]Text filter in Entity Grid now additionally searches NPC outfit names and action messages. [*]Added new filters to Item Grid: Consumable, Combat, Sellable, and Auto Lost & Found. [*]Added new filter to Troop Grid: Has Dead. [*]Added References list to Recipe model tab and Spark model tab. [*]References list is now more comprehensive when listing references to Jobs, Abilities, and Passives. [*]References list now shows references to models from text variables. [*]When adding a new status to an Ability's Target Statuses or User Statuses lists, the default Chance and Count are now 100 and 1. [*]Renamed labels on the NPC page tab's PlayerProximity trigger panel to be more clear. [*]Improved visibility of Portrait and Indicator overlays on the Monster Appearance panel. [*]When an error occurs while attempting to apply mod data, a popup containing the error message is now shown to the player. [*]When there is an error loading incompatible or missing mods, the specific mod causing the error is now shown on the error message popup. [*]Improved loading speed of the installed mods list.[/list] [h3]Modding bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]While applying multiple mods, for each mod, only the Randomizer sections that have been edited will now be applied. Previously, if a mod had edited any Randomizer section, every section (even the unchanged sections) would all be applied according to that mod's priority. Note: This change is not retroactive; older mods must be opened and saved for this change to take effect. [*]While applying multiple mods that contain Randomizer exclusions, exclusions from every mod will now be applied. Previously, only those from the mod with the highest priority were applied. Note: This change is retroactive and will work with existing mods. [*]Model variables referenced in model description/flavor text fields will now have their IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type. [*]Fixed bug where dual-wielding while a basic attack override is active could cause issues when skipping turn or when using a command ability that is tagged as basic attack. [*]Fixed bug where dual-wielding while a basic attack override is active could cause an incorrect damage preview calculation. [*]Fixed error applying Buff with MaxBuffCount Stat Mod and applying Debuff with MaxDebuffCount Stat Mod. [*]NPCs can now properly use abilities that are normally for use via the menu only. [*]Entity Coord and Biome can no longer be edited on the Entity Grid. [*]Entity Coord and Biome can now both be properly edited on the Entity model tab when the Entity is not a base game Entity. [*]Stat Mod and Ability Mod type names will no longer be truncated. [*]Fixed error opening Vocab Model when a base game Entity has had its Entity Type changed. [*]Fixed issue opening a modded model after it has been reset. [*]Removed false warnings that were being logged when opening/closing/editing entity models.[/list]