As the sole developer of Cryspace, I wanted to take some time to discuss development progress as well as announce a change to the expected release date. [h1]Release Date Announcement/Expectations Upon Release[/h1] To be clear, nothing is changing in regards to the game's features. [b]The entire story will be available, alongside the editor, Steam Workshop support, etc. on day one of the game's release.[/b] That being said, the game's release is being pushed from September 1st of this year to November 30th. The reason for this change is that, when this game releases, I want it to be complete. That's not to say there won't be updates post-release (there will be!), but as far as the core features go, I need to allocate myself this extra time to ensure that everything is prepared, polished, perfected, and good to go. [h1]By the Numbers[/h1] To put in perspective the progress made on the story so far, I have prepared a list of statistics for your amusement: As of today, there are: [olist] [*]2,348 messages sent by characters. [*]271 opportunities to respond to characters, and influence the story. [*]Approximately 867 branching paths/unique dialogue sequences influenced by your responses, and character's opinions about you. [*]17 endings developed so far, most of which are a result of negative interactions with characters. [*]5,576 lines of "story script", which tells the game how to execute the story. [/olist] [h1]Why the Change?[/h1] As the only person working on this game, as well as the fact that I am working full-time, it is a necessity. This is not a decision that I've made lightly, but I'd rather delay the game until November than release an incomplete product in September. Rest assured, I'm working practically everyday to make this game as good as it can be. While I could likely finish, for example, the story by September, that would leave out the editor, Steam Workshop, etc. and leave me no time to apply any "final touches" prior to release. I have all the intention in the world to ship out a fully featured, complete game on day one of release as to not keep any of you waiting for the next "chapter" of the story, the ability to make your own stories, or use any of the other features. I've played a lot of games in the past in which I've been left on cliffhangers only to be told I have to wait a year to continue playing, and I'm not going to take that approach with this game or any other game that I make. [h1]Demo Update[/h1] The demo will be updated with an additional segment of the story on September 15th. [h1]Beta Testing[/h1] As the branching paths, story, and features progress further, I am in need of beta testers. Should you be interested, please add me on Steam, or shoot me at an email at All in all, I look forward to delivering a quality game with tons of replay value very soon. Thanks to everyone who's wishlisted and/or followed the game so far. I appreciate your support!