I wanted to take some time to go over the direction of the game, and reevaluating the expected release date for it. [h1]Release Date Update and Progress[/h1] Cryspace is still being worked on daily, and much progress has been made since my previous last couple of announcements. That said, I'm in a position currently where I must delay the game for likely another few months (hence the TBA on the store page). This is due to the fact that I am committed to making several branching paths/unique endings/Easter eggs/etc. From a technical standpoint, the game is complete; it's the story that needs to be finalized and polished, and I want to make sure that everyone who plays has control over where their story goes, and is satisfied with the ending(s) they receive as a result of their actions. Sure, i could release the game at the end of this month, rush the endings and the dialogue, and ship it on time, but I'd much prefer to release something that is well thought out, polished, moderately lengthy, and fleshed out with content, so much so that is re-playable with little overlap in the story from run-to-run. [h1]The Future Ahead[/h1] I think that what would most benefit the game currently is having a publisher to oversee its production, have people test the game currently, and writers/editors to ensure that the story is the absolute best it could be. As such, this is something I will be actively pursuing and hopefully, I am able to land a partnership with those that can bring out the very best in this game. Even without a publisher, I am confident I can finish the game on my own, and that it would be a fulfilling experience start to finish. That said, I'm one guy working a full-time job, and I believe a partnership with a reputable publisher will help get this title finished faster, offer a second opinion on both the story amongst other decisions, and is ultimately the direction that I would like to move in. [h1]Conclusion[/h1] Thank you to everyone who has played the demo(s) of the game thus far, and I promise this game has my full commitment until it is complete. As soon as I have a better idea of a time-frame moving forward, I will update you accordingly.