[BETA] Join the "Advanced Tactics" Beta!
Author: fredolz,
published 4 years ago,
Hello Crying Suns fans,
We have just opened the beta version of "[b]Advanced Tactics[/b]" update!
You can now [b]activate[/b] it via your Steam client:
-> Go to your Steam library, right click on Crying Suns -> Properties -> betas tab -> select "Advanced_Tactics_beta" branch.
[h2]What's New:[/h2]
Here are the main changes that you will be able to test:
[*] Each Battleship will have a specific technological modifier (that you can't sell) that will greatly impact the strategies and builds
[*] Reworked all enemy battleship setups to use a larger array of weapons/officers/squadrons/auxiliary system and offer more variety and challenges
[*] Player battleships have been reworked
[*] Some difficulty settings have changed
[*] A new type of POI where you can Upgrade you squadrons Marks: the OMNI forge
[*] 3 new categories of neutral units on the battlefield that can be "activated" during the fight.
[*] 8 new types of weapons with brand new effects
[*] 4 new auxiliary systems
[*] 5 new types of squadrons
[*] 3 new officers abilities
This beta is for both Windows and MacOs but only includes 64 bits versions for the moment.
This version already includes English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese, although you might find some visual glitches as we didn't finish our QA phase on the last 4 of them. We are on it.
[h2]About Save files:[/h2]
[b]An important info involving your save files[/b]: We manage the beta files in a different folder called "betaSaves" next to the normal game save. If you want to use save files from the normal version, you can paste those files in this new folder "betaSaves".
- On macOS, your save files are here:
/Users/%your_user_name%/Library/Application Support/unity.Alt Shift.Crying Suns/saves/save0
- On Windows, they are here:
C:\Users%your_user_name%\AppData\LocalLow\Alt Shift\Crying Suns\saves\save0
[h2]Bugs and feedback[/h2]
If you encounter any bug (except text glitches in German, Russian, Chinese and Spanish), you can click on the bug report button at the bottom left of the screen and explain what happened.
Don't hesitate to describe the situation with as many details as possible.
Don't hesitate to share your thoughts on the #beta-adv-tactics channel of our Discord server [url=https://discord.com/invite/jgdQ7X]https://discord.com/invite/jgdQ7XY[/url].
Or on the sub-forum here: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/873940/discussions/1/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/873940/discussions/1/[/url]
Have fun!
The DevTeam