Sup Cleaners! It’s been some busy time, but trust us – we are not lowering the tempo. During their job, every cleaner is bound to see many gruesome images. After all, crimes can sound tempting and sweet, but there’s no denying that their main theme is a bloody red color. For some reasons, you may prefer to save yourself from those murderous views and, for those of you, we have a solution. [h2]SAFE MODE[/h2] You heard us right! We’ve implemented a safe mode option. But how does it work exactly, huh? Although this option doesn’t fully erase crimes (well, that's a game about cleaning them after all lol), it turns them into family-friendly content. All the places, usually running with blood, will now remind you more of a paintball battlefield. [b]Safe mode turns blood into paint and cleans bodies from bloody wounds[/b], so it seems as if the victims are just peacefully sleeping. [img][/img] To turn on/off the safe mode, just go [b]open the settings[/b] → general → blood settings. There you can adjust the blood settings to a full or safe mode. After you finish, [b]remember to apply changes.[/b] [img][/img] Why would we include such a feature in our game? Well, first of all, we want to give a helping hand to content creators, who prefer or need to censor their content for a bunch of reasons, such as website’s politics, young audience and so on. Safe mode is optional, so don’t worry if it will ruin your experience – it’s just a matter of preferences. If someone doesn’t really like the sight of blood and other cruelties, it’s also an option for those people. Do you, perhaps, have in mind any other settings option that could be useful in our game, that is not already included in [i]Crime Scene Cleaner[/i]? Will you use a safe mode or prefer it all to run with blood? Let us know in the comments or on our discord server! See ya! [i]The Devs[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url]