Hello Cleaners! We know you are ready to clean after criminals, but you have to be careful about the mess you may make. Splashing dirty water on the scene will be problematic, so be mindful of where you swing that mop. Blood is sticky and everything can get covered by it, even you! [b]We prepared a multitude of blood splatters and divided them into 5 different origins:[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34613706/bd473639fee2fdd130d918fb973209c8f45a9fa7.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]Dropping splatters[/b] - picking up objects and dropping them on the floor will leave markings, which you will later have to clean. [*] [b]Dragging smudges[/b] - when you move bodies or drag blood-covered furniture, you will leave blood marks behind. [*] [b]Throwing spots [/b]- thrown items will also leave blood behind, so be mindful of leaving trails when moving things around. [*] [b]Dripping spots[/b] - carrying objects covered in blood leaves little spots of blood on the floor. Remember that this also applies to your own equipment. Once your mop becomes dirty, it will leave small drops behind. [*] [b]Bloody footsteps[/b] - be careful where you walk! Wherever you accidentally step into a blood puddle, your shoes will be dirty and you take will leave footsteps all over the place. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34613706/a924ea3b67628d183183047253a676bf18a93cfb.gif[/img] Every origin will have a set of variations, which will adapt themselves to your actions. They will change directions, shapes and sizes depending on the objects you carry around and the way you handle them. Cleaning your own blood splatters and footsteps is just as important as removing evidence. As usual, we're waiting for your feedback! Let us know what other blood marks we should consider via our Discord or social media! [url=https://discord.gg/FXbMXtJpae][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34613706/d017551b346de3df4d7b058bd3ce1177b6620683.png[/img][/url]