[h1]New[/h1] [list] [*] The gelatinous beast has been added to the demo... Good luck, he's tough. [*] Items are now bouncy! Added bounce physics to items. [*] Dynamite is now bouncy and has angular velocity when thrown. [*] Sticky dynamite now sticks to enemies... Including large slimy ones. [*] The jungle has been revamped, chunks have been reduced in size from 264 tiles to 160. [*] Levels size has changed from 48x88 to 50x80. [*] Slime graphics are much prettier [*] Font for the menu header labels has been updated [*] Added some new menu translations for 13 languages [*] Merchant has a new look and a new golden outfit [*] Made GUI more compact, including inventory slots [*] You can now press down to enter onto a ladder / tree / vine [*] Added green wishlist button to the demo [*] The player's chain is now visible on his main arm [/list] [h1]Tweaks[/h1] [list] [*] Balanced some item prices [*] Meat is dropped less frequently [*] Cannibal meat drops more frequently [*] Red worms now have 2 hp [*] Long spear hitbox size has increased [*] Long spear can now destroy tiles that block it off [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed hunger bar starve animation playing after respawning from a starvation death [*] Fixed hunger bar not displaying correctly when starving and full [*] Fixed inventory visuals not updating correctly after restarting [/list]