[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27811682/3d9e03fed4debbc46086e5d1339b96faaa7989c5.jpg[/img] Another obscure battle portrayed by Khalkhin-Gol DLC will be the Battle of Lake Khasan, known also as Changkufeng Incident. This short but fierce conflict happened Summer 1938; Japanese troops are presented with a single reinforced infantry brigade (of 19th Infantry Division), whereas Soviets have fully committed 32nd and 40th Rifle Divisions, 2nd Mechanized brigade and some Corps assets. Overall, over 30 000 people and over 250 artillery pieces (both sides combined) took part in the conflict, supported with over one hundred of Soviet tanks, over one hundred of Soviet planes and one Japanese armored train. Unlike the Battle of Khalkhin-Gol that lasted few months, the Khasan Battle was over in just two weeks. However, it was enough for over 1300 people to be killed and over 4000 to be wounded (from both sides). Also Soviets lost over 40 tanks, as well as two planes were shot down. There will be two scenarios representing this bloody campaign: [list] [*] the first will cover initial escalation (July 31st - August 2nd, 1938), [*] and the second will cover then major Soviet counteroffensive (August 6th - 8th, 1938). [/list] Both scenarios do have rather imbalanced setups, where small but well-trained and efficient Japanese forces have to face underperforming and poorly organized waves of outnumbering Soviet infantry and tanks. Therefore both scenarios are best suited to be played as IJA, either against Soviet AI or against another human player, and both are rather tough nuts to crack for Japanese. Contrary to barren lifeless Mongolian steppes (of Khalkhin-Gol), Khasan Lake area is rich of terrain features. The overview of the battle area is available below (thumbnail is clickable): [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27811682/86d52597ea5f41342ef9f40cb7587cee93fa1df9.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27811682/ead6b136e652a4a69535192bf75cc246ceed5d21.png[/img][/url]