Ave, domini! Today, we will talk about the various types of citizens that inhabit Citadelum. Each social and occupational group has an essential role to play in society. From humble plebeians to noble patricians, every citizen contributes uniquely to the greatness of Citadelum. [h2]General Characteristics[/h2] All citizens of Citadelum share several common needs, such as a house, access to water, food, and amenities that we will unlock throughout the game. However, each type of citizen has its peculiarities, classified as Plebeians, Patricians, and Military. [h2]Plebeians[/h2] Plebeians are the machinery that keeps our society active. They make up the majority of the population and work in exchange for a salary commensurate with their labor. Here are the various categories of plebeian workers: [h3]Services[/h3] Within services, we find several essential trades needed from the beginning to the end of the game, including: [list] [*]Engineers: Responsible for the maintenance of all buildings. [*]Fire officers: Responsible for fire control. [*]Market dispatchers: Supply the goods that arrive at the market to each house according to their needs. [*]Doctors: Attend to citizens and provide treatments using medicinal herbs. [*]Tax collectors: Collect taxes from patricians. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/e87934ce8e507e7a08c25d855a145762166250a4.png[/img] [h3]Food Production[/h3] Plebeians in charge of food production are divided into various occupations: [list] [*]Farmers: Work the fields and cultivate different crops as wheat, grapes, carrots etc. [*]Ranchers: Raise various animals as hens, cows or pigs. [*]Fishermen, Butchers, Fishmongers, Bakers, and Winemakers: Each specialized in their area of food production. [*]Transporters: Carry food and other materials to the appropriate granary or warehouse. [/list] [h3]Material Production[/h3] Plebeians assigned to material production are divided into the following trades: [list] [*] Woodworkers: Including both loggers and sawmill workers. [*] Stone Workers: Including miners and stonemasons. [*] Linen Workers: Collectors and weavers who operate looms to produce garments. [*] Blacksmiths and Artisans: Create swords, shields, bows, and armor, as well as refine wood into delicate furniture. [/list] [h3]Entertainment[/h3] This group does not produce a necessary good or service but is dedicated to entertaining the citizens. Plebeians need prior training to join this group of workers, which includes: [list] [*] Actors [*] Gladiators [*] Chariot racers [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/8a1e5442d6fb6c520be2a4022dcfbde8bcf85773.png[/img] [h2]Patricians[/h2] Patricians represent the upper class of our society. They possess great wealth that sustains the salaries of the plebeians. Maintaining a balance between the number of patricians and plebeians is essential for the prosperity of the city. Patricians live in special houses with greater privileges and have specific demands for food and services to ensure their happiness. As the player, you are responsible for collecting taxes from the patricians and, with that money, paying the plebeians' salaries. An imbalance in this aspect could result in social crises and revolts. But this is a topic for future devlogs. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/ef916edc22ddfd8d367f849ff6b82c66734ee616.png[/img] [h2]Military[/h2] The soldiers of Citadelum are the guardians and protectors of our city. Their rigorous training and unwavering dedication ensure that we are prepared for any challenge. Soldiers can specialize in various branches, each with a crucial role in the defense and expansion of our empire, including: [list] [*] Infantry [*] Archery [*] Cavalry [*] Exploration [*] Centurions [*] Defense [/list] For more details, don't forget to read our first devlog where we talk about military training. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/5418960e4660a3eef4cbdeed1833751d5f896aab.png[/img] These are all the citizens who will inhabit our city behind Citadelum's gates, not counting you, the absolute governor of your own settlement. It is up to you to transform your settlement into the grandest metropolis in all of Rome. What do you think? Is there any type you miss? See you soon with more content and future devlogs. Until next time! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/84db6551de5d8cf85328baba9ab92e1e130fadaf.png[/img]