Ave Dominus, [b]Citadelum will be out next October 17th[/b], and the team is working full steam ahead in the final touches, some bug fixing and polishing. We are truly excited about the final result, you will be able to play very soon on Steam. But today, I want to share something on a personal side. Since Citadelum editor was announced, I let my imagination fly with the possibilities included. It is not only about playing Campaign. Sandbox or Battle modes, but giving the player the power to create their own maps and campaigns, and share them with the community, is something huge. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/1cd7f8974d2d425e8199477475396f078add2439.png[/img] This is a unique opportunity to recreate some of the lesser known episodes of the roman empire, or even to change History at will. What I did, even before I had access to the game, was researching some Historical events I would love to play. I am not spoiling the surprise -you will be able to download and play it after release- but this was an amazing opportunity for studying art depictions of “that episode”, reading ancient maps, and even exploring the terrain (thanks to Google maps). Fortunately, you can find detailed depictions even in university papers, for free on the internet, if you are not willing to visit the library. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/05f93c0c6457f0cd4e6ea51d886ba26033970c38.png[/img] Then it is up to you. Will you stay true to the events or change History? We have a wonderful community, and I am sure some of you are already thinking of the Gallic Wars as Julius Caesar, Germania, Britannia… or go back in time to the Punic Wars. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44838290/a4d22de153f38b2360a28c7abdf495d9d5ae9591.png[/img] We also want to communicate to everyone that our free Prologue will be available for a limited time. So, if you haven't done it before, now is the perfect time for download and play the first two campaign levels. Remember you will be able to save your progress and continue in the final game. Once the Prologue is withdrawn, you will only be able to play it on special occasions, such as festivals and sales. Valete