Made some minor changes. [list] [*] Player starts off with 5 lives (previously it was 3). [*] Player gets an extra life when he defeats 200 enemies (previously it was 500). [*] For Worlds 1 & 3, modified the sprites of the electricity/laser generator. It now has a red light, indicating it can be shot at. [*] In World 1 - Level 2A, added scientist NPC near the constantly moving vertical platform. He informs you that defeating 200 enemies grants you an extra life. [*] In World 4 - Levels 2A & 2B, tweaked the behavior of the enemy that needs to be defeated to remove the red blocks. Also reduced speed of it's bullets. [*] Modified a heading in Start Menu. Changed "Quit Game" to "Exit". Looks much cleaner now! [/list]