Happy weekend Runners! We have a quick update from Corp today that reshapes how quests are delivered to the Runners in the circuit. Previously Quests were being generated when the level loaded and they would be automatically deployed to the Runners neural net. Quests were also given out for Easy, Medium and Hard all at once. Now you can only acquire Quests from the Quest Machine after a set period of time once the Circuit is Active! To get a quest, just walk near the Quest machine (which will be indicated to you on the Mini-Map with a pulsing "Scroll" Icon) and you will automatically collect an Easy Quest during Wave 1, Medium and below at Wave 2 and Hard and below at Wave 3 and above. You can still carry all 3 Quest Difficulties which will all be tracked independently! As always Runners, if there is any feedback you wish to let Corp know about, join the Discord or post on the Community Hub. Happy Running! [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45126047/b9bcda171641cd6960fcdc9c3147c89eef132d1e.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45126047/defe0f67764ae5cef709403121d2bfe37e3982cd.png[/img][/url]