It's the weekend, Runners! Time for a quick little update to the Development branch as we head towards Monday! Don't forget you can always check out these new builds by switching to the beta branch in your steam client, here's how! [url=]Guide[/url] A few bugs have been squished overnight, not sure who keeps putting these in but we may have to have a talk with them! Anyway, onto the changes! [list] [*]Reduced spawn rate of Wave 1 Enemies [*]Added even more enemies to Wave 2! [*]Added some new Wave 3 Enemies! [*]Adjust UI to let the player know there is an Enemy Invasion Happening [*]Further tweaks to game lighting [*]Quests now regenerate after 60 seconds when completed! [/list] Have a productive weekend Runners and keep those at Corp HQ busy! [url=][img][/img][/url]