Hello rats, chairs, and rat chairs (???)! We are pleased to announce that the CHAIRS OST is now out as a free add-on! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/3078940/CHAIRS_Soundtrack/?curator_clanid=43880807]Click here to add the soundtrack to your library[/url]! Now, go forth and enjoy listening to some defined BEATS and TUNES! Below you can also find some patch notes for the game. [h2]Bug Fixes/Minor Patches[/h2] [list] [*]The camera now moves at a consistent speed for the final cutscene regardless of V-Sync settings. [*]Added an arrow to the HUD in the Appliance Avenue tutorial segments to help highlight the charge indicator. [*]Reworked most in-game UI to support widescreen displays better. [*]Modified text on the initial warning screen to highlight an accessibility option that may help some players. [/list]