[h1][i]Greetings, sinners.[/i][/h1] You've had your fun with RAY, but now... The time has come. Advance through the glorious Sefirot, and continue your journey to the Sinner's Paradise. [h2]Primary Changes:[/h2] [h3][list] [*] Added 1-2 through 1-5 [*] Added a new secret boss to 0-7 [*] Added Floors 101-150 to the Aeon [/list][/h3] [h2]Other Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Scion-based enemies (Scion, Sapientia, Iustitia, Temperantia, Fortitudo, Pudicitia, Spes, Caritas, Fides) can no longer become Invulnerable by closing their shells, instead taking reduced damage by doing so [*] Updated Eden’s hand model [*] Fixed issues with Eden’s AI [*] Fixed a really big mistake in Eden’s Codex entry [*] Fixed issues with the Rage Passive [*] Probably fixed an issue with checkpoints causing a softlock [*] Fixed various issues with Challenges displaying on Title [*] Fixed various issues with tooltips [*] Touching water no longer teleports you up, now applying an upward force [*] Made various enemy icons bigger [*] Changed Floor 90 of the Aeon [*] Fixed issues with improper Passive display [*] Doubled the length of Hope’s beams [*] Doubled the duration of IFrames from taking damage [*] Removed the ability to equip two of the same Passive (Sorry, double Executioner builds) [*] Renamed Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 [*] Fixed issues with 0-10R [*] Recolored Fides’ beams [*] Added the ability to see your full clear history for a level to the level select and equip screens (Ranks prior to this update cannot be viewed) [*] Player barriers now grant iFrames when destroyed [*] Changed the color of the One God’s name in 0-10 to orange [*] Enemy health bars now display how close a Barrier is to breaking [*] Fixed that one corner in 0-1 after 2 and a half years [*] Kinda fixed an issue where the top of boss health bars were cut off on certain resolutions by just decreasing the size of them (Every other UI element properly scales to screen size, I have no idea why these are so finicky) [*] Added an outro to 0-5’s music [*] 0-5R now requires you to kill all enemies instead of just Eden [*] Heat multipliers now slowly recover over time (Ex. You hit a target with Strife, Strife’s Heat multiplier for that enemy goes down to, say, 0.5, even if you don’t damage that enemy with another weapon, Strife’s multiplier will slowly recover up to 2.0; It takes ~27 seconds for a multiplier to regenerate from the minimum of 0.33 to the maximum of 2.0 if the enemy is not damaged by anything else) [*] Enemies no longer initialize on the same frame, each initializes on a separate frame [*] Fixed water in older levels [/list] [i][h2]Without Wax, Team Myster[/h2][/i]