Today, the [url=]AG French Direct[/url] took place. This event highlights French-speaking game developers through a conference rich in announcements and exclusives. It's in French but English subtitles are available: [previewyoutube=UonQZ-a_zmk;full][/previewyoutube] [img][/img] [url=]A dedicated Steam page is available here[/url], so feel free to support the developers by adding your favorite games to your wishlist! [img][/img] In summary, I took the opportunity to explain Castaway's scope, the different game modes, the intentions, and revealed that [b]my little game will also be released on consoles this year![/b] That's right, we are working hard on the ports and I can't wait to tell you more about the platforms involved and the final release date. [b]STAY TUNED[/b]! [img][/img]