*tap tap* Is this thing on? Oh I'm not speaking into a mic? You're telling me I'm writing a devlog? Understandable, have a good day sir. [h2]Where We Are[/h2] Hey card game fans, I wanted to take a second to check in. How are you? How's the family? Your stomach doing better? Me? Well I've been busy announcing and tuning-up a videogame! Big shoutout to everyone who has left comments and thrown it a wishlist. Seeing feedback has given me a solid push to get more work done. Now that the ungodly work of "Making a Steam Store Page" is done, I've shifted focus back to polish. I don't particularly enjoy the marketing aspect of things, but understand it's important to a game's health. It's just hard to spend time making marketing material when my brain says that time could be spent making the game the best it can be. So in general, I've been happy to shift back to working on the game again. The past two weeks my main goal has been touching up some visual elements that were long overdue for a shining. After [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1ef5xyb/trying_to_improve_my_path_texture_which_do_you/]consulting the experts over at reddit[/url], I did some work to touch up a lot of the ground and object textures and am loving the result. Check out a preview of that work! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45121936/361c4be1e5773560cbc93885b3cb4417c4b500d7.gif[/img] My other major focus has been touching up the pack opening experience. Everyone knows the real reason to play card games is to inhale the pack fresh air that contains addictive chemicals banned in most countries. So I really want to make the experience of cracking packs as special as possible. Small things like the top ripping off, or a "new" pop-up go a long way. Enjoy these extra crunchy compressed gif previews :) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45121936/64003f036c7c64bba4f7e7eb09b16aba8d030356.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45121936/a6721a5b256f14e26dda16ec5906253bfd97962f.gif[/img] [h2]Where We're Going[/h2] Hope you enjoyed this little write-up. The main content for the game is complete at this point, so it's all polish and extra pizzazz from here. That's all you get for now, bye!