[h1]GENERAL CHANGES[/h1] [list] [*] [url=https://playcaliber.com/en/news/1046/turkish-poh-collection-and-great-conquests-battle-pass/]Added the Great Conquests Battle Pass and PÖH operator collection.[/url] [*] [url=https://playcaliber.com/en/news/1042/customization-weapons-sights-and-modules/]Added weapons customization.[/url] You can now change the operators’ weapon. [*] Reaching Account levels 13, 25, 51, and 98 now grants Weapon Containers. Players who have already reached these levels will receive the Containers with the update release. [*] Added the Gift Hunt New Year event and a dedicated mode with the same name. [*] Added the New Year Showcase. [*] Added a new PvE mission on the Depot map. [*] Added reward notifications upon reaching specific Account levels and obtaining new operators. [*] Improved Player Statistics: you can now view detailed statistics for each operator. [*] [url=https://playcaliber.com/en/news/1048/referral-program-back-into-the-fray/]Improved the Referral Program.[/url] Back into the Fray event is now available. [*] Improved saturation and brightness on all maps. [*] Game mode screen: improved the display system of the available modes. [*] Emblems have been awarded to the RED EXPO visitors: RED 2024 for visiting and True Fan for completing all activities at the display. [*] [url=https://playcaliber.com/en/news/1050/new-frosty-freshness-season-of-twitch-drops/]New Twitch Drops season has started: Frosty Freshness.[/url] [*] Added free length of service Bundles to the special offers screen. [*] Updated the official site home page. [*] Fixed a bug that made it impossible for the first Clan Season participants to receive their Award Emblems for getting into the top five places. [*] Fixed a bug that caused incorrect sorting by roles on the Clan screen. [*] Fixed a bug that prevented the players from being awarded the One Man Army Medal in the Frontline mode. [*] Settings screen: fixed incorrect drop-down lists. [*] Fixed memory leaks that caused the game to crash. [*] Account level is no longer displayed during combat preparation and on the Battle Statistics screen. [/list] [url=https://playcaliber.com/en/news/1052/caliber-and-deathless-tales-of-old-rus-collaboration/]The collaboration of Caliber and Deathless. Tales of Old Rus has begun![/url] [list] [*] Guests of Old Tales Emote is available on the Showcase for Credits or Coins. [*] Live the Old Tales Emblem can be obtained for completing all stages of Weekly Objective. [*] Layun Emblem is included in an exclusive bundle which is available on the official website. [/list] The event will last until December 18. Hurry up to add the unique content to your collection! What about the Veshtitsa Emblem? We'll tell you more details about getting it a little bit later. Stay tuned so you don't miss the news. Join the celebration and live to tell the tale! [b]Steam: updated Credits achievements. It won’t be necessary to keep all the Credits on your tab, you just have to earn them. Added 8 new achievements:[/b] [list] [*] Collect all PÖH collection operators. [*] Collect 5 items of any equipment. [*] Collect 10 items of any equipment. [*] Finish a battle with an operator using a weapon completely different from their default setup. [*] Join a clan. If you've already done this, you'll get this achievement automatically. [*] Win any battle in a fireteam with clanmates. [*] Obtain your first Clan Points. [*] Complete all Weekly Objectives 5 times. [/list] [h1]OPERATORS[/h1] [b]Volk, Vympel[/b] [list] [*] Iron Grip ability: spread and recoil reduce ratio while the ability is active is now lower. [/list] [b]Strelok, Vympel[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that disabled upgrade #9-2. [/list] [b]Perun, Alpha[/b] [list] [*] Linear upgrade #6: higher rate of fire and lower recoil removed. [*] Piercing Shots ability: single shots rate of fire reduced (with the linear upgrade #6 disabled). [/list] [b]Travnik, Alpha[/b] [list] [*] The Scarecrow Epic Outfit: fixed the cap thread fringe on the operator's portrait. [/list] [b]Sokol, Alpha[/b] [list] [*] Bullet Rain Primary Ability: rate of fire while the ability is active reduced. Ability duration reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 seconds. [/list] [b]Bard, SSO[/b] [list] [*] Primary weapon: auto fire mode is now default. To fire in bursts, Bard needs to unlock the linear upgrade #13. [/list] [b]Komar, SSO[/b] [list] [*] Piercing Shot Primary Ability: damage reduced by 30% when firing through covers. [/list] [b]Corsair, SEAL[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the Black Mark ability with the active upgrade #9-1. [/list] [b]Monk, SEAL[/b] [list] [*] Upgrade #11-2: the effect duration reduced from 6 to 3 seconds. [/list] [b]Bishop, TFB[/b] [list] [*] Primary weapon: the higher rate of fire info removed from the description. [*] Upgrade #1-1: changed to "Special trait: continued firing with the primary weapon increases the rate of fire." [*] Upgrade #7-1: changed to "Increased Stamina by 25 SP." [/list] [b]Archer, TFB[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that prevented primary weapon shots from penetrating several targets. [/list] [b]Miguel, EZAPAC[/b] [list] [*] Linear upgrade #10 moved to the M4 SUPER 90 primary weapon module. [/list] [b]Diablo, EZAPAC[/b] [list] [*] Inferno Primary Ability: the Burning effect duration reduced from 6 to 3 seconds. Burning damage increased from 5 to 6 HP. [/list] [b]Tibet, Arystan[/b] [list] [*] Karakurt Legendary Outfit: fixed the position of the ballistic shield when using primary weapon. [/list] [b]Sultan, Arystan[/b] [list] [*] Karakurt Legendary Outfit: fixed incorrect animations in the FPV. [/list] [b]Yíngzhōu, Jiaolong[/b] [list] [*] Linear upgrade #5 moved to the Type 97 primary weapon module. [/list] [b]Cánglóng, Jiaolong[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the grip when using special gear. [*] Linear upgrade #13: firing through covers reduces the damage by 25%. [/list] [b]Açaí,BOPE[/b] [list] [*] Upgrade #8-2 removed. The primary weapon inflicts the Bleeding effect by default. [*] Upgrade #8-1 moved to the GAUCHA-IGA 12G primary weapon module. [/list] [b]Spark, SAS[/b] [list] [*] Linear upgrade #10 moved to the MAC-10 primary weapon module. [/list] [h1]SOUND[/h1] [list] [*] Marksman Sultan: fixed a bug with no sound from EMP explosions. [/list]