[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43793126/b4388c3174e7931ff8c61a0aa23351fdf8f75083.jpg[/img] We would like to express our gratitude to all the players who joined Caliber on Steam in the last five days. During this period, we have been carefully monitoring the game performance both from a technical standpoint and player behavior. Also, we have been scrutinizing your comments on the Steam forums and user reviews on the store page. Please note that we are a relatively small team with limited resources; while it is difficult to meet all your requests in the blink of an eye, it doesn’t mean that we’re not working hard to improve the game and its performance. [b]Here’s what we plan to focus on in the next couple of weeks:[/b] [list] [*] Due to numerous requests from players from the Asia-Pacific region who experience issues with high ping, we have launched new servers in this region to improve your gaming experience. [*] Rebalancing the matchmaking system, prioritizing matching with local players for the EU and Asia-Pacific regions. [*] Working on the next big special event for Caliber – Victory Day. [/list] Also, we would kindly ask you to revisit the Steam user review section in case your gaming experience improves. Please stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated!