In the update 0.23.0, we reworked the mode selection window, launched the Mean Joke event, added Player Referral Program, rebalanced some operators, fixed a number of errors and more. [img][/img] [h1]GENERAL CHANGES[/h1] [list] [*] [url=]Completely reworked the mode selection window: new design, new way of selecting, and Weekend mode.[/url] [*] Rebalanced Daily and Weekly Objectives in accordance with the new mode selection feature. [*] Deactivated the Special Operation mode objective. [*] [url=]User Battles: added the ability to pause the game during matches, added Tournament versions of Hacking and Threshold.[/url] [*] [url=]Mean Joke Event started.[/url] [*] [url=]Player Referral Program added.[/url] [*] [url=]Threshold mode improvements: automatic elimination when near the enemy base, and protection against projectiles and grenades.[/url] [*] Hacking mode: added automatic elimination when a player manages to leave the infiltration area before the round preparation stage is over. [*] Added new vignettes for the Shielded and Invulnerability effects. [*] Settings: added the ability to set the HQ and battle framerate separately. [*] Player statistics: previously opened tabs now remain on the screen. [*] Added a blinking effect to the Caliber icon that signals a change in battle preparation stages. It appears if the player minimizes the game window. [*] Containers: added a counter displaying the remaining containers while opening them. [*] The Sing-song, Accordion, and Listen to this tune! Emotes: added looping music and animations. [*] User Battles: fixed a bug that displayed the objective when the [ESC] button was pressed. [*] Battle Statistics: fixed a bug that prevented the Least Deaths stats from being highlighted in yellow. [*] Currency Conversion screen: fixed blurry icons. [*] HQ: fixed a bug that prevented the yellow frame on the Battle Pass button from appearing when clicked. [*] The infinite Combat Pay objective is now indicated in every window it appears in. [*] Player statistics: fixed a bug that caused an incorrect number of medals to appear: 92 instead of 90. [*] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused reserves' icons to be incorrectly colored. [*] The Gymnastics Emote: fixed a bug that caused the operator's shoulders to move unnaturally. [*] Fixed an incorrect visual effect on grenade explosions that sometimes appeared on the Hospital and Caravanserai maps. [/list] [h1]OPERATORS[/h1] [h2]Check out a detailed description of the operator changes in a separate article: [url=]RE: Balance.[/url][/h2] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Bots now attack robots and turrets that shoot them, instead of attacking the operators who deployed them. [*] Incapacitated state: the camera is now the same as that of an active operator. [*] Added the throwing animation for Field Bonuses, Intel, etc. [*] The animations will now be more smooth at 120 frames per second and above. [*] Added new voice lines when activating the abilities of operators that have EMP, Slowed, Suppressed, Marked, Invisible, and Shielded effects. [*] Fixed a bug that caused opening the command quick menu © to interrupt active revival, hacking, interaction with an ammo box, etc. [*] Fixed a bug that caused special gear animations and sounds to play incorrectly while underwater. [*] Adrenaline Buzz skill: fixed a bug that caused the skill to work incorrectly. [*] Fixed a bug that prevented the Gas vignette from appearing if Volumetric Lighting was disabled in settings. [*] Combat hint (F1): fixed a bug that caused the incorrect special gear characteristics to appear in the description, including damage, armor penetration, and ammo. [*] Mustang, Monk, Schatz, Yàowáng, Kaval: improved 3D scopes. The bullets could previously fly a little over the reticle. [*] Replays: fixed a bug that caused the checkmark icon to be displayed instead of operator levels. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed a bug that caused the technical icon to be displayed in an operator’s effects list. [*] R&R skill: fixed a bug that prevented the skill from providing immunity to Caçador’s area trap. [/list] [b]Volk, Vympel[/b] [list] [*] Claw and Leader Epic Outfits: fixed a bug that caused the secondary weapon to be attached to the belt instead of the holster. [*] Iron Grip ability: fixed a bug that prevented the Suppressed effect from increasing weapon spread while the ability is active. [/list] [b]Strelok, Vympel[/b] [list] [*] Primary weapon: decreased the grip texture’s brightness to improve camo display. [/list] [b]Kit, 22 SpN[/b] [list] [*] Linear upgrade #14 "Shortened barrel. Reduces the number of shots required to gain immunity to the Stunned effect." The number of shots required to gain immunity is decreased by 1. The upgrade previously needed exactly 4 shots to activate, which conflicted with the #13-1 and #8-2 upgrades. [/list] [b]Bourbon, SEAL[/b] [list] [*] Patriot Legendary Outfit: fixed a bug that prevented the weapon’s model from changing when switching scopes while in the HQ. [/list] [h2]CST[/h2] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Liberty Legendary Outfit: corrected several animations. Namely, fixed incorrect neck positions when Sly holds a grenade and when Fortress holds an Incendiary Ammo Box. [/list] [b]Sly, CST[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused Sly’s finger to clip through the front sight of the primary weapon while in HQ. [/list] [b]Fortress, CST[/b] [list] [*] Liberty Legendary Outfit, primary weapon: moved the sight on the weapon model, which was previously off-center. [/list] [b]Bones, CST[/b] [list] [*] Buddy special gear: fixed bugs during the robot’s deployment animation. [/list] [b]Miguel, EZAPAC[/b] [list] [*] Medical Drone ability: improved the movement system. The drone is now able to fly over obstacles, including vertical ones, but only in places where bots can pass. [/list] [b]Diablo, EZAPAC[/b] [list] [*] Inferno ability: fixed a bug that caused the target to burn for a shorter amount of time than intended after hitting them with a body shot. The bug appeared when upgrade #15-2 was active. [/list] [b]Tibet, Arystan[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an incorrect primary weapon icon. [/list] [b]Busel, SSO RB[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused the operator’s hand to clip through the primary weapon. [/list] [b]Martelo, BOPE[/b] [list] [*] Ram special gear: fixed the incorrect position of the ram while climbing over obstacles, replenishing ammo, and switching equipment. [/list] [b]Açaí,BOPE[/b] [list] [*] Pit Viper Epic Outfit: fixed incorrect position of a chevron on the beret. [/list] [h2]SAS[/h2] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Onslaught mode, Medkit Field Bonus: fixed a bug that caused operators to pull out their secondary weapons instead of self-reviving while incapacitated. [*] Now, a single press of the [E] key pulls out the secondary weapon. If an operator can self-revive, like in the above example, the [E] key should be pressed and held down instead. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the special trait activation voice line to be audible across the entire map. [/list] [b]Lumen, SAS[/b] [list] [*] Blinded ability: fixed a bug that disabled the ability’s sound effect if the player removed the reticle from the target, then moved it back again. [/list] [b]Tower, SAS[/b] [list] [*] Upgrades #15-1 and #15-3: fixed a bug that prevented the Inspired effect icon from appearing. [/list] [b]Spark, SAS[/b] [list] [*] Upgrade #12: fixed a bug that caused incorrect effect icons to appear. [/list] [b]Bell, SAS[/b] [list] [*] On the ground! ability: fixed a bug that prevented the EMP from cancelling Aphela and Starkaðr’s ability effects. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the operator to fire their primary weapon after interacting with an ammo box. [/list] [h1]MAPS, MODES AND BOTS[/h1] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Threshold Mode: added a 10-second delay after picking up intel. The delay will not activate if the player carrying the intel gets eliminated and another player picks it up. [*] Annihilation Mode: fixed a bug that caused several players to get the Field Bonus from the container simultaneously. [*] Showdown mode: corrected the draw requirements. If a round ends in a draw, both teams receive a winning point. The battle will end when the required number of victories is reached. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed a bug that prevented players from walking through destroyed bot drones. [*] Threshold Mode: fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Field Bonus to disappear after the operator carrying it was eliminated. [*] User Battles, Onslaught mode: fixed a bug that prevented the "Bots: Always visible" modifier from working. [*] User Battles, Spectator: fixed a bug that prevented hotkeys from being blocked while using the chat. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the Chemist bot to pick drones, turrets, and items thrown on the ground as primary targets. [*] Practice mode: fixed a bug that caused the mannequin’s pistol model to change after being stunned or eliminated. [*] Threshold mode: area capture progress is now reset if only an enemy operator is present in the area. If operators of both teams are present in the area, the progress is paused. [*] Onslaught mode, Ambush modifier: fixed a bug that prevented key bots’ marks from appearing. [*] Threshold Mode: fixed a bug that allowed a bomb dropped on the map to be rigged by the enemy team, then reappear at the base with the mine attached. [*] Prologue: Support: fixed a bug that allowed bot Sztylet to walk through closed gates. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed a bug that caused bots guarding the drone to run away from it. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed a bug that prevented bot drones from dealing any damage when exploding. [*] Prologue mode: fixed a bug that caused an invisible object to spawn in the parking lot and block the way through. [*] Prologue mode: fixed incorrect jumping off objects in the parking lot. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed Dispatch’s incorrect voice line during the victory cutscene. [/list] [h2]SHOPPING MALL[/h2] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: fixed a bug that allowed entering a closed-off area prematurely. [/list] [h2]CARAVANSERAI[/h2] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: fixed a bug that prevented the laptop model from appearing during the laptop installation animation. [/list] [h2]EMIR RESIDENCE[/h2] [list] [*] Improved nav mesh for robots and drones. There existed spots on the map where, while technically passable by robots and drones, they could not do so. [/list] [h2]HOSPITAL[/h2] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a number of spots where operators could not pass because of invisible obstacles. [*] Replays: fixed a bug that caused the player to go out of bounds while in free camera Mode. [*] Fixed incorrect light display. [*] Fixed several objects that caused the camera to work incorrectly when getting too close to them. [*] Fixed the light shimmer on one of the buildings. [/list] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Onslaught mode: fixed an incorrect texture near one of the buildings. [/list] [b]PvP Version[/b] [list] [*] Annihilation Mode: fixed a bug that allowed players to get stuck between a car and a Field Bonus Box. [/list] [h2]AL-MALIK HOTEL[/h2] [b]PvPvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Threshold mode: fixed a bug that caused bots to spawn at incorrect points. Also, fixed a bug that caused the Heavy Fighter bot to retreat to its spawn point. [/list] [h2]OBJECT 903[/h2] [b]PvP Version[/b] [b]Hacking mode: fixed a bug that allowed players to leave the infiltration area prematurely.[/b] [h2]DAM[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused Medic Watson’s mine traps to fall through the side of one of the buildings. [/list] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: fixed a bug that allowed bots to pass through the closed bridge. [*] Onslaught mode: fixed the bugs that allowed players to interact with an ammo box through an obstacle. [/list] [b]PvP Version[/b] [list] [*] Showdown and Annihilation modes: fixed a bug that allowed getting inside one of the trucks. [/list] [h2]FOREST[/h2] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: fixed Delgado’s incorrect HP display. [/list] [h2]DEPOT[/h2] [b]PvPvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Threshold modes: fixed a bug that caused ammo box cooldown to be incorrect. [/list] [h2]AL-RABAD[/h2] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused an eliminated bot’s body to be stuck in mid-air in the opening cutscene. [/list] [h2]CROSSING[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a series of bugs related to textures. [*] Onslaught and Showdown modes: fixed a bug that caused thrown objects to fall through the floor in one spot. [/list] [h2]RADAR[/h2] [b]PvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: added a new door blowing up effect. [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: corrected nav mesh for robots and drones. They could previously pass through some obstacles. [/list] [b]PvP Version[/b] [list] [*] Showdown mode: fixed an incorrect glass shooting visual effect. [*] Point Sweep and Special Operation modes: fixed several spots that caused the operator’s model to be placed slightly above the ground. [/list] [b]PvPvE Version[/b] [list] [*] Threshold mode: closed the way through the basement, which led to a position for firing at the enemy base. Also moved barricades and terminals on both sides. [*] Threshold, Frontline and Radar modes, overcast weather: fixed several bugs that caused several invisible objects to appear on the map. [/list] [h2]OIL PLATFORM[/h2] [b]PvP Version[/b] [list] [*] Showdown mode: corrected the borders of one of the capture areas. [*] Hacking mode: fixed a bug that allowed planting the hacking device near the install area. [/list] [h2]POLAR STATION[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed several bugs related to footsteps, firing at snow, and lighting effects. [*] Fixed a bug that prevented the Frost effect from being inflicted in one place outside of the game area. [*] Fixed a bug that caused operators to partially clip through the wall while climbing over one of barricades. [/list] [h2]FROZEN TOWN[/h2] [b]General changes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused object markers to appear off-center. [*] Fixed a bug that caused an operator’s head to clip through one of the building’s walls if the player got too close to it. [*] Fixed several objects that caused the camera to work incorrectly when getting too close to them. [/list]