[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43793126/4bd4927218d9d1893c1de290268a3c15a418e2ed.jpg[/img] Last year, Caliber enjoyed an influx of new players: the game was released on Steam and VK Play, and we started paying more attention to marketing. Now, we want to get to know you so we would understand your interests better and make Caliber more appealing to a larger number of players. Please take this small survey: it will take you just a few minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, please write your in-game nickname so we would be able to send you a reward.* The reward: 7 days of Premium and 1 Army Surplus Container. The survey: [url=https://forms.gle/Sfny7hW2DE7cnacS6]https://forms.gle/Sfny7hW2DE7cnacS6[/url] *In order to receive the reward, please write your nicknames correctly: they are case-sensitive. The reward will be sent automatically before March 29.