Hey everyone! Cooper here to tell you that [b]November 26th, 2024[/b], is a big date! When I was five years old I would tell adults that when I grow up, I want to be a "computer game designer". 12 years ago, I decided I would try to make that a reality. 12 years later it is a reality. Yes, you read that correctly. This game took me 12 years to make. It is the definition of a passion project. I started out all alone with no idea how I'd get from sitting on a laptop with zero knowledge of how to make a video game, to a finished project. It was a very long road. It nearly killed me. There were so many times where it felt like the universe wanted me to give up. There were so many times where it felt like there would be no way the game would ever get done. I learned a LOT and I would do everything completely differently if I could go back, but that's what learning is all about. I cannot emphasize how difficult making this game was and how much I learned. But I loved every minute of it and would love to do it again. If you've added my game to your Wishlist, I ask that you [b]please purchase it on November 26th[/b], and maybe force your best friend to do the same. [b]I need to make as big of a splash as I can on that day so that we can possibly get featured.[/b] If we get featured, more eyes will be on it and that means more sales. I will never make a profit, or even break even on this, but with enough recoup, maybe I can bring it to other platforms. But more importantly, if I can recoup enough, I will be able to put everything I learned into a second game. [b]I would LOVE to make another game, and I can only do that with your help.[/b] So again, [b]November 26th[/b], please help the cause, help Billy save not only THE world, but MY world. The game will be available to purchase for $24.99 in both US and Canada (yes, same price!), and in every other country/territory that Steam allows for a price that they deem fair. Thank you! And I'll be back soon before release to share more news :) [previewyoutube=GDAXKEHFarQ;full]Watch the latest DEVLOG[/previewyoutube]