Author: Cooper Bibaud,
published 7 months ago,
I'm back!
Who's "I'm?" you ask?
Why, it's me!
Who's "me!" you ask?
Why, it's your least favorite Writer, Director, Designer -- Cooper Bibaud, of course!
Happy 2024, hope everyone has been doing well. Anyone got any resolutions? Mine is to play more games and watch 52 movies this year. Oh, and I'd love to release my first indie game this summer, too. And honestly... it's looking very, very likely!
To respect your time, I will get right to the point of this announcement. Starting... right now: I will be sharing a series of video DevLogs of my game! These videos will be long-form showcases that go over the game's mechanics, show off its environments, reveal gameplay, and much more.
I'm really excited as this is the first true deep-dive of the game, and I hope you'll enjoy watching each one. Below are a couple that I especially enjoyed making, but there's several more already on my channel, and a lot more to be released!
And of course, [b]feel free to Like and Sub and all that.[/b]