This devlog of sorts will give you a better insight on the different gamemodes we are designing for Big Boy Boxing! Keep in mind that all these features are Work In Progress, and depending on your feedback may be altered! [h1]Campaign Mode[/h1] [i]This is the main gamemode of Big Boy Boxing, and is where the bulk of our resources will be poured into. It will feature 15+ Boss Fights, each also having minibosses/minigames/dialogues, etc leading up to them.[/i] [h3]Overworld Map[/h3] The overworld will be branching, where some fights or sequences are entirely optional, making it possible to optimize your runs for speed or return to a fight that you were previously stuck on. [url=][img][/img][/url] [h3]Upgrade System[/h3] During your playthrough, spend Upgrade Tokens to increase the power of your character in different upgrade trees to give you an extra edge in certain scenarios! By the end of the campaign you will have all the abilities unlocked and feel worthy to go up against the world champion. [url=][img][/img][/url] [h3]Minigames[/h3] Sprinkled throughout the campaign, there will be some optional but spicy minigames to test your skills, or grind out a greater highscore. For example, Dance Battle against a DJ or see how long you can ride the mechanical bull in the local bar. [h3]Playable Characters[/h3] During the campaign, there will be fights or entire chapters where you can play as another character. For example as your Coach during his Prime (in a flashback). [h3]The Story[/h3] The story in Big Boy Boxing starts as a typical underdog story with a comedic overtone but then evolves into discovery and exploration of the world that the game takes place in, learning more about the environments and characters that inhabit it. Some key characters in the story are Coach Hank, Linda Rocks, B.F.T (Blunt Force Trauma), Frank Dude, and you the player (name undecided). [h1]Alternative Singleplayer Gamemodes[/h1] [i]These gamemodes are unlocked during the first playthrough of the Campaign Mode, and will give the player more ways to enjoy the gameplay of Big Boy Boxing![/i] [h3]Classical Arcade Mode[/h3] Essentially this mode will emulate the old-school experience of a arcade boss-rush game (Like Punch-Out!!), and will only feature the 15 bosses one after the other. This means that the minibosses/minigames, and the story elements will not be present and you get a score at the end indicating how good you finished that run. [h3]Endless Survival Mode[/h3] In this mode you will fight rounds against the bosses and minibosses where they will have their gameplay values randomly generated, and random modifiers that make each playthrough extremley unique. Also after a wave (that consists of a few rounds) you will be able to upgrade yourself. Your goal is to "survive" for as long as possible, defeating as many opponents as you can. Death is permanent and you will get your score after getting knocked out. [h1]Multiplayer Gamemodes[/h1] [i]These modes you play together, either locally or through the web (Haven't decided how we are going to do with servers yet)[/i] [h3]2-Player Versus Mode[/h3] Imagine Punch-Out + Street-Fighter. First both players pick a character they want to play as (there will be 15+ different characters to choose from), then the show is on to see who can utilize their character the best in a 1v1 match. Each character will have different thunder punches, stats, abilities. But the base movement will feel recognizable from the main game. [url=][img][/img][/url] [h3]Leaderboards[/h3] With all the gamemodes there is going to be a friend's leaderboard that is integrated with for example Steam Profile for Steam. Don't flex your highscores too hard, ok? [h1]Community Driven Content[/h1] [i]These gamemodes are driven by the community and can add a lot of playtime and fun to you guys![/i] [h3]Speedrunning[/h3] (Isn't much to say really more than that) the game is designed with an easy to learn, hard to master approach, and we'll add in-game timers and other tools and integrations that are normally expected by the speedrunning community. [previewyoutube=frn0NM-GVHQ;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] [h3]Steam Workshop (Modding)[/h3] Last but definitely not least is Modding Support, which will allow a modder to create new bosses, new player models, new stages, or modify the content already in the game! There will be two ways of creating content for Big Boy Boxing, one advanced method that requires knowledge of Unity Game Engine, and the other will be much more designer-friendly that uses a mod creator tool (that we provide free of charge). [h1]Concept Thoughts (& Ideas)[/h1] [i]Some ideas or unfinished concepts I'll share with you guys anyways![/i] [h3]New Game Plus+[/h3] Have been thinking about this for a while, and I really want to add this in but also make it interesting and not just make you keep all your upgrades but the bosses have higher damage values. [h3]Playthrough Options/Modifiers[/h3] Give you guys some Gameplay Options that make it fun to replay or do a custom challenge. An example is a First-Person POV that zooms the camera in and you see your gloves only. [url=][img][/img][/url] [h3]Co-op Mode[/h3] The implementation of this mode isn't really finished designed yet. But I think it would be awesome to play in the same team as your friend against the big bad bosses. [b]If you want to support us, the fastest and most effective way is to wishlist the game and share our project![/b]