[h1]V1.0.0.4[/h1] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fix for an endgame bug where the Blacksmith would be unresponsive [*] Minor updates to text and fixed some typos [/list] [h2]Quality of Life Updates[/h2] [list] [*] Added the Chapter Number to the Minimap panel [*] Updated Inventory Item selectable area to include the name in the UI [*] Added more sound effects to game events [*] CH11: [spoiler]updated the memories of the twelve puzzle to be slightly less punishing when using spells. The puzzle is not easier, it just reduces the amount of unfair fail conditions[/spoiler] [*] Updated mouse scroll wheel to quick select actions [/list] Thank you to the community for your continued support and feedback!