[h3]DAY 3 PATCH - Version 1.0.2[/h3] [b]CHANGES/FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Added new scenes to credit roll. [*] Fixed a bug where incorrect party members are present in final battle. [*] Fixed an issue where the first member of the party's stats displayed as all 0s in the status menu. [*] Corrected an issue where save time DISPLAY was incorrect when loading game. [/list] [b]POLISH[/b] [list] [*] Corrected various graphical bugs. [*] Corrected multiple entrance transitions. [*] Corrected various typos. [/list] [h3]KICKSTARTER UPDATE[/h3] We [u]finally[/u] have the full contact info for all Kickstarter Backers in hand! Now begins the tedious process of manually sending keys out to everyone who is owed them. This could easily take a few days, emailing >800 backers while trying to run maintenance on the game. But we'll get those keys out to you as quickly as we're able!! [h3]WHERE'S THE DEMO?[/h3] While there's still more bug-fixing to come, there have already been a handful of [i]impossible[/i] to replicate bugs that have had us super stumped! Today we came to realize that [b]many[/b] of these bugs are likely tied to users copying their Demo saves over to the Main game! While this makes sense for a linear story, the 2 versions use different data sets, and can cause a litany of issues when they try to cross-communicate! [b]Until we are able to bring the Demo build up to the current standard, we are de-activating it[/b]. Our apologies for this! But it's our best course of action to stop the bug bleed. Hopefully we'll have an updated version available in a day or two - one that WILL allow you to carry over your save without issue. Thank you for your understanding.