Hi, Crush Crew! It's hard to believe it's already been a month since our first beta test wrapped up! We've been busy taking in all the feedback from our Crush Crew and making improvements across the board. Moreover, we're getting ready to showcase our game at GStar 2023, the biggest game show in Korea, on November 16th. (We will share some behind-the-scenes moments after the event. 😊) Today, we'd like to provide a brief overview of the improvements we've planned for keyboard/mouse controls, as promised earlier. [b] [/b] Our goal is to provide a control mechanic that fits keyboard/mouse users on PC, so that skills can be used in the desired direction properly. [b] [/b] Now, you'll be able to choose between Auto Lock-on mode and Manual Aim Mode control options! [b]1. Auto Lock-on Mode [/b] Your character automatically targets nearby enemies or those you've hit. It is designed for players who are new to BATTLE CRUSH or prefer an easier control scheme. [b]2. Manual Aim Mode [/b] You can manually adjust the direction and distance as per your preference. While it allows for more precise control, it doesn't support the Auto Lock-on feature. In this mode, your skills will be used to the position of your mouse cursor. [b]3. Keybinding will also be changed to allow for more flexibility, and mouse buttons will be customizable as well. [/b] With these improvements, we believe that in the upcoming Technical Test, you'll have the flexibility to choose controls that match your playstyle and fully enjoy BATTLE CRUSH. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and announcements about BATTLE CRUSH through our Announcements and Dev's Notes. Your continued interest is much appreciated! [b][Official Social Media][/b] [url=https://discord.gg/battlecrush]Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/BATTLE_CRUSH]X(Twitter)[/url] [url=https://battlecrush.plaync.com/]Official Website[/url] We'll be back soon with a Technical Testing schedule where you can experience the keyboard/mouse improvements firsthand! BATTLE CRUSH Team