[h2]Enemies are not slumbering. Mages of ancient knowledge have decided to join confrontation to help fight forces of evil:[/h2] [i]Cheese mages are ready for battle, nothing is stronger than their love of cheese and bludgeoning damage. [/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41444961/634b8980354035a8cd541423555c879270ac79d7.png[/img] [i]Butterfly mages are lovers of scaly wings and tinkling coins. [/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41444961/fa52154b3373a12e975b24c770bffb77647006ca.png[/img] [i]Bubble mages will give you a hot bubble bath and tell you how to protect yourself from pests. [/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41444961/2434734e8d84785fa4f4fa6cf1203388058c271c.png[/img] [i]Archimagister of ancient knowledge lords over all currents of magic. Unlocking the potential of his wards, he doesn't forget to pull a few aces out of his sleeve.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41444961/6be93331b2779cefec3a3232f434bfba612eda7e.png[/img] As you learn new classes through books, you can also unlock special mage abilities. [h2]On Halloween Eve, guild of mages will open its doors.[/h2] Along with ancient magic, forgotten knowledge of long-gone civilizations has come to you. 4 new books are available on High Tech shelf. [u]Additions and changes:[/u] [list] [*] Total number of spices is now written in spices list. [*] Menu for obtaining jelly gnomes, stones, and spices now shows number of choices remaining at the top. [*] KNIGHT OF SWORDS card now includes dragon slayers in its condition. [*] Next 3 tarot cards are guaranteed not to repeat previous 3. [*] Quest information can now be scrolled in quest menu, if there are many quests completed before the concert/tour and they don't fit in height. [*] When selecting quests, information on which zone the last quest completion corresponds to is now displayed. [*] Fixed a bug with killing second dragon in the same zone. [*] Priests now cannot heal more than 2 times in a row. [*] Starting a new game will not send you to camp for lack of food until you buy soup, leave to camp, or toggle *no soup* option. [*] Auto gnome status does not reset after adventure is completed. [*] THE HANGED MAN will no longer issue a flag to hero, if he is a only one who can attack. [*] THE HANGED MAN no longer issues a black flag to not undead heroes. [*] Giving stones to Priests of Light and Dark priest is now impossible. THE HANGED MAN also does not give stones and flowers to these classes. [*] Added 4 new cursors. [*] Books in Writer's shop are redrawned. [*] Added authors menu. [/list]