[b][h3]In the fifth chapter of the ballad, you will have to add an illustration[/h3][/b] to receive one of twelve powerful bonuses. [b][h3]A new Megadwarfs mode has been added![/h3][/b] Megadwarfs mode replaces regular dwarf mode. Megadwarfs are very good at making jelly. Reach the bronze league to unlock it. [i]Additions and improvements:[/i] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with the Dragon eye that made it impossible to use the bonus after a concert or burning ballad. [*] Soup spice images no longer stick out of the button. [*] If you have a large number of spices, the description can be scrolled. [*] Now, when you open the achievement menu through a notification, you are taken directly to the achievement. [*] Achievements are divided into two screens - 'Achievements by zones' and 'Other achievements'. [*] In the quests menu, added the ability to see a total list of multipliers for all completed quests. [*] Made a scroll for the Hall of Fame. [*] Changed the algorithm for playing sound when quickly obtaining several levels of the ballad. [*] Desert worms shoot more accurately. [*] In the additional options you can choose a new look for your cursor. [/list]