[h2]Hi everyone![/h2] [b]There’s a new level waiting for you![/b] This time, you’ll be exploring a bunker where you’ll have to survive some pretty intense conditions – extreme heat and cold. Let me know what you think! [b]Along with the NEW LEVEL,[/b] I’ve also rolled out some fixes based on your feedback. Here’s a quick list of what’s been addressed since yesterday: [list] [*] Italian and Polish language support has been added. [*] Stamina Buff: Your stamina now regenerates much faster, and you have more of it overall. [*] Infinite Stamina is enabled when playing on Peaceful mode. [*] Workshop Levels now load in correctly [*] Extended the Lobby Creation Timeout, which should help resolve some connection issues. [*] The Lobby Difficulty description now updates correctly. [*] Player Camera Rotation Lag now only applies when using the Realistic camera setting. [*] Office fixed some collisions [*] ElectricalStation Fixed Door opening issues and Stairs Collisions [*] Smiler Speed increased [/list] [h3]📝 Report your bugs![/h3] As always, your reports are a huge help in improving the game, so if you come across any bugs, please report them in the special thread on the Steam forums [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2714970/discussions/0/6495968375634499405/]here[/url][/b]. Every bit of info you provide helps me make the game better! Thanks again for all the feedback and support! [i]— Patrik[/i] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2714970/Backrooms_Media/