[h2]Hey everyone![/h2] Patrik here. I’ve been reading all of your comments and reviews, and it really means a lot to me. I want to make sure the game meets your expectations, so here’s some quick info on what’s going on behind the scenes. First off, [b]there’s a new update waiting for you![/b] [h3]⭐ What’s New?[/h3] This time, I wanted to focus on the [b]first two levels[/b]. Here’s what’s been fixed and added: [b]☢️ Uplifting of Level0:[/b] [olist] [*] Changed lighting [*] Updated textures and models of the environment [*] Updated layout of walls and columns [*] Entities now can’t get stuck at the last doors, preventing players from entering [*] Fixed issue with popping up walls[/olist] [b]☢️ New, scarier Smiler on Level0:[/b] [olist] [*] Updated look ([i]check the gif below[/i]) 🔥 [*] New behaviour ⚠️[/olist] [b]☢️ New SFX:[/b] [olist] [*] Added ambient sounds to Research Underground [*] Updated sounds of doors and levers on Research Underground [*] Added music when interacting with specific places on Research Underground [*] Added ambient water sound to main menu[/olist] [b]☢️ Fixed doors so they now close when players are out of range in Research Underground[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44779997/83d0028245a6fff261e8c63592885b552c8429fc.gif[/img] [i]It's waiting in the shadows...[/i] [h3]🔧 Fixing and Polishing First[/h3] My main focus right now is [b]fixing and polishing what’s already in the game[/b]. I want to make sure you’re happy with the current experience before I jump into adding new levels and features. Because of this, the Halloween update and the new levels planned for October will need to be delayed—but don’t worry, they’ll be released eventually! I just want to make sure everything is in great shape before introducing more content. [h3]📝 Weekly Devlogs[/h3] To keep you in the loop, I’ll be posting [b]weekly devlogs[/b] from now on, giving you updates on what I’m working on and what’s coming next. I want to make sure you know exactly what’s happening and hear your thoughts on the upcoming changes! [h3]🤔 Your Feedback is Super Important![/h3] [b]Please let me know what you think of these changes![/b] I want to make sure the improvements are heading in the right direction, so your thoughts are really valuable. [b]Drop your feedback in the comments[/b] or [b]join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/W4HxsWxvyj]Discord server[/url][/b] to chat with the community and me directly. Thanks again for all your support! I’m really excited to continue improving Backrooms Media and make it a game we’re all proud of 😄 See you in the Backrooms! [i]— Patrik[/i] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2714970/Backrooms_Media/