[h2]Change list[/h2] [h3]Taxonomy[/h3] Disasters are renamed to Misfortunes to better represent their place in the story Some Opportunities were renamed in preparation for individual [i]Opportunity art[/i] [h3][b]New Tutorial[/b][/h3] - Now part of the regular gameplay instead of a separated experience - Updated Intro text - Tutorial can be played in Co-op with either or both players experiencing it - More feedback needed! [h3]Heroic Chatter[/h3] Heroes now comment about their experiences as you travel, sharing some of their stories. This is a step towards revealing the [i]true ending[/i] with the full release of Azoove! [h3]UI changes[/h3] - Better tooltips - Misfortune date available after transitions - Phase wheel to indicate game phases and the passage of time - Instructions per phase to help new players - Misfortunes are animated - Animation for Bless to show the card changing - List of all active Spite levels, as well as indications as to when Spite is taking effect - Alerts for important events such as imminent starvation and losing Action Cards to low health - Early Access welcome message [h3]Balance changes[/h3] - Increased cost of many Opportunities - Nerfed a few powerful interactions - Buffed a few Opportunities to play better with their heroes' kits - Spite system reworked to challenge stronger players but avoid terrible feeling moments [h2]What's next[/h2] [h3]UI polish minor update coming August[/h3] [h3]September Major update with 12 new Misfortunes, Beautiful art and new surprise mechanics[/h3] [h2]And as always, thanks for playing![/h2]