This patch fixes several issues: [list] [*] [b]Gunner[/b]: bullets are not automatically destroyed when loading the second game mode, after having traveled to another star in the first game mode in the same session. [*] [b]Hello?[/b]: the mission is no longer undoable after [b]On the way[/b] has been completed. [*] [b]Aquarius blobs[/b]: the essence obtained when destroying Aquarius blobs is now correctly overridden by the Chaser's Blade and Critical bullets. [*] [b]Dialogue[/b]: when the game loads a save. It will considered dialogues that have been started but not "skipped" nor "finished" as "skipped". This will prevent issues that may arise when closing the game during a dialogue. Old messages can always be replayed from the phone interface. [/list]