[h1]🧙‍♂️ Patch Notes 0.4.78 PROLOGUE[/h1] [h2]✅ Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Main Menu] Added link to the Feedback Questionnaire in the Main Menu. Please fill it when you'll have some free time. It will help us greatly in making the game even better![/b] [*] [QOL / Shop] Added option to move bought Health Potions to the Inventory instead of always using them on buy. [*] [QOL / Curses] Curse of Eternal Battle will no longer spawn enemies while player is inside the shop. [*] [QOL] When healing for less than 0.1 health then only "+" sign will be shown above your head instead of confusing "+ 0.0" [/list] [h2]🔄 Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Curses] Lowered chance of getting Curse of the Maze on 2+ difficulty level. [/list] [h2]⚙️ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Effects] Fixed a bug where take damage or apply curse vignette effects were overlapping with game's UI when pausing the game making it hard to use Settings, read dialogues, etc when on low HP or right after getting cursed. [*] [Perks] Added missing dots and spaces in few Perks descriptions. [*] [Enemies] Fixed a bug where enemies applying debuffs like poison could apply it only until player has resisted it once. [*] [Inventory] Animation of currently selected Inventory Slot will no longer disappear after finishing Spellweaver's Soul tutorial. [/list]