A collection of the reviews so far... LINK-CABLE: 8.3/10 http://www.link-cable.com/review-aftergrinder/ " It’s a brutally challenging game that embraces its difficulty to deliver an unapologetic experience that forces you to get better at it or go and play something else." GAMESPEW: 8/10 http://www.gamespew.com/2017/07/aftergrinder-review-fml-the-game/ "Ultimately then, if you have inhuman hand/eye coordination or really do like inflicting inner turmoil upon yourself, then you probably should consider picking AFTERGRINDER up." COG CONNECTED: 80% http://cogconnected.com/review/aftergrinder-review/ "Players are quickly thrown into the gauntlet in an almost ‘trial by fire’ type of approach wherein new mechanics are introduced at a rapid pace." DEFUNCT GAMES: B- http://www.defunctgames.com/courant/1175/aftergrinder "Aftergrinder does a great job of building on a simple premise and creating a fast-paced game that is simultaneously addictive and frustrating." PEW PEW CAT: +++ http://pewpewcat.com/aftergrinder-indie-game-review/ "The game developers expect you to die over and over, which made it even more fun for me." PIXEL POP NETWORK: 6/10 http://pixelpopnetwork.com.au/2017/07/aftergrinder-an-exercise-in-frustration/ "Aftergrinder doesn’t attempt to hide what it is. It is a frustration game. Like Super Meat Boy or The Impossible Game this game is designed to test your skill at twitch gaming and then annoy you if you aren’t good enough." KEENGAMER: 5.2/10 https://www.keengamer.com/article/16789_aftergrinder-review "I found AFTERGRINDER to have pretty fluid controls, and it rarely felt like the difficulty was artificial. I usually felt like I stood a chance against the level as long as I could just remember which paths to take, and alter my playstyle a bit." For a decent average of 72%.