[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/3e421082f02e384b8866abfb6791154835d79fae.gif[/img] It’s been really enjoyable and inspirational to watch players stream Paladin Dream. It feels like playing God and watching people explore the world I created, and I also get to see which parts are celebrated, and where the game could be better or less confusing. I’ve gotten lots of positive feedback about the story, and I wanted to focus this update on showing more information about the world. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/68383540a8f4929bdc3e0e8b334b9fa0d5874187.jpg[/img] The demon worshiping cult is malicious, reclusive, and possesses black magic to keep outsiders away. I wanted to show the extent to which they’ve gone to protect their temple (which was crudely dug out of a city wall). In the update, Josiah explores an MC Escher-like looping room and a hallucination that projects his fear. This dungeon is intended to be full of creepy traps. The fortune-teller in Nazarfang encounter is also expanded a bit, to give the player some early insight into the 3 different religions and how they interact. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/ee311ab4446d59c7fb1787b30db4574ce13d5b02.png[/img] The northern wilderness is an area that is mostly not settled, and wild animals have free reign. Organized religion does not have much influence here. I created a new encounter where Josiah spars with another adventurer and their wild animal companion. There’s also a new battle with Josiah’s Reflection (think Link’s Shadow in Zelda games) that requires a bit of logic to win. To ease a side quest that involves a decent amount of backtracking, and I added a way for Josiah to jump down the mountain with a certain item. Making it to the top of Starcross Peak requires Josiah to leave civilization behind and examine his beliefs from a different perspective. I fixed some minor bugs including dialog, art, and game balance. When you reach a new level, there is also a new common event that fires to tell the player to check and see if they’ve learned a new spell. Hopefully, this will lead to players realizing there are multiple ways to manage their resources. It’s great to get feedback and continue expanding the game. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and thanks for supporting Paladin Dream! Matthew p.s. If you've read this far and haven't yet added Paladin Dream to your wishlist, now is your chance :) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1592120/Paladin_Dream/