Hello all! I am the project director at Clouds of Glass Games, Lucas, and today I wanted to explain some bits about our upcoming game A Storm Unsung. A Storm Unsung, as the description and other various things on the Steam page explain, is a rogue-lite dungeon crawler. In ASU, you play as a variety of characters who are all cursed by the same bloodline, though the characters themselves are quite diverse in both stature and means. I will be talking about the characters today, and probably about once a week, I will be writing a similar devlog to explain various mechanics and ideas behind ASU. I can't help myself, I always make simple things much more complicated than they really need to be and I suppose I felt that it would be a good idea to start explaining some of what we have going on in ASU ahead of time. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44963883/89f3044ad050a18d911a54b47f4a312c9ae2c63d.png[/img] As of this writing there are 12 characters to choose from to venture into the dungeons. Only three are available at the beginning but the others can be acquired from various means. Each character is equipped with 4 unique abilities: a main, a secondary, a defensive, and an ultimate. Along with all those, every character can perform a short hop to propel themselves whatever direction they are moving. The primary stats of each character are: damage, armor, shield, and health. Damage does as you'd expect, proportionally translates to extra killing power based on the ability in question and other such things. Armor is the defensive stat for blocking physical damage. Shield is the defensive stat for blocking magical damage. And once a character runs out of either armor or shield, the respective damage type will start to lower health - which, as you could guess, means a game over if you run out of it. Characters are roughly divided into three classes: warrior, rogue, and mage. The three rough classes can also be roughly combined in certain characters. Each class has characteristics that are not found on others. The warrior class is generally about melee engagement. It also has means of sustaining itself - whether that be through directly healing one of its defensive stats or through stopping or lessening damage. Generally, warriors will also have higher base armor than others. The rogue class is about mixed engagement - both ranged and melee, character dependent. The main strength of the rogue class is their ability to stun enemies for a time. Generally, rogues have lesser armor and shield than the other classes. The mage class is about ranged engagement. Their primary strength is to deal large amounts of damage quickly and/or in a large area. Generally, mages have the lowest of all defensive stats, except shield. As mentioned, these can also be mixed in different characters. For example: Irenian is a warrior/mage hybrid that has the means to sustain herself through lifesteal and has the capability to deal damage over a large area. I realize that this all may seem rather abstract. For those of you who don't know, I'm rather longwinded and I meander a lot in my descriptions and explanations. Something that I should probably do somewhere along the way in these devlogs, which I tentatively will be doing each week, though probably not on Saturday, is to do character showcases and explain each in turn. But, I suppose that will have to wait until the actual work on the Shroomery is completed - the Shroomery being a way to permanently change the way each character's skills work in order to customize their kit a bit more to your liking. But! That is a devlog for another day! Until next time, Lucas *Edit:* My poor grammar. >.>