An update to A Hat in Time is now available! [h1]Online Party[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where an extra copy of other players would show up in the player list [*] Fixed a bug causing enemy deaths to not sync [*] Fixed the join act prompt appearing while in photo mode [/list] [h1]General[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed inconsistent rare sticker alerts [*] Added a machine in the spaceship which reads back the latest rare sticker alerts [*] Updated Chinese localization [*] Updated Korean localization [*] Fixed massive log files when mods would continuously emit the same error [*] Fixed a save data crash [/list] [h1]Spaceship[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the intro camera looking at the attic before it was unlocked [/list] [h1]The Arctic Cruise[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a missing rare sticker [/list] [h1]Nyakuza Metro[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a crash caused by bouncing one of the queuing cats into a vacuum [/list] [h1]Modding[/h1] [list] [*] Mods can now send commands to other players in Online Party [*] Mods can now create their own virtual / wireframe / etc flair overrides [*] Added a "Sync for Online Party" property to checkpoints [*] Fixed being unable to open mod maps that were using ladders [*] Fixed crash when cooking mod packages [*] Game Mods now inherit from Hat_GameEventsInterface and can use all the events within [*] Added a "Online Party" checkbox to the Mod Manager [/list]