[h1]Online Party changes[/h1] Players are now able to select the way their Online Party works by using specific prefixes in their online party lobby name. [list] [*] “[b]NOMOD[/b]” - PURE TAG using this prefix will require all mods to be disabled for your online party (example: NOMODTAG1, NOMODTAG2) [*] “[b]ALLMOD[/b]” - ULTIMATE MOD FREEDOM! Using this prefix enables all mods, including mods not supported in standard Vanessa’s Curse lobbies. Be warned, these lobbies may be full of abnormal movement and unfair play.(example: ALLMODTAG1, ALLMODTAG2) [*] [b]No prefix[/b]- CUSTOMIZABLE FUN by not using a prefix in your online party name, mods that aren’t considered to contain exploits or competitive advantage will be allowed. (Example: TAG1, TAG2) [/list] If you encounter unfair play in no prefix and "NOMOD" lobbies please be sure to file a report. To learn how to report please see our FAQ [url=https://support.hatintime.com/hc/en-us/articles/4417403783314-Help-I-found-someone-cheating-in-Vanessa-s-Curse]Here! [/url] [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Mafia Boss playable mod can now use his "spin" ability, EX version still disabled. [*] If there is only 1 default cursed player, the points earned for indirect tags is doubled (30) [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed last player alive music playing at 0 players alive instead of 1 alive [*] Improved UI performances [/list]